Sunday, December 16, 2012

My Life Has Changed Forever

My life has forever changed. Last night I gave birth to the worlds cuties baby! She is perfect .... I mean  beyond perfect and she has all ten fingers and ten toes. I didn't know I could love someone as much as I love her. She has somehow completed me. Jazarah at a couple hours old has stolen my heart and soul. After all we've been through I just cant believe God has blessed me with such an amazing blessing. 

As I embark on my journey as a mom I wish I could share with my own mother, instead of having to lay her to rest with the lord. I wish she had the chance to meet her first grandchild and I wish my Princess could have meet my mom. I know she would have been a great grandmother and that my princess has her own special angels. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Big Day

            I went into the hospital at 8am. I was given an IV for fluids and Pitocin to jump start labor. Yesterday when I went to the doctor I was only dilated to 3cm and at 0 station. Pitocin was started at 10 and from then until 12 I felt NO contractions at all, my doctor came in at the point to check me and I hadn't progressed at all so he broke my water. At which point I felt EVERYTHING. I was trying to go natural but around 3 I couldn't take the pain anymore and my body had only progressed to 5cm so I got IV meds for pain, which relaxed me enough to dilate to 7cm at which point I was crying for and epidural. I got one it didn't work so I had to get another. At which point I went to sleep only to be woken up 10minutes later to push I was at 10cm. I pushed for a total of two hours just to get her head out and 1 push to get the rest of her body out. I couldn't feel my legs and pushing was the worse part for me. I don't know if it was because of how she was positioned but every time I pushed I had this unbearable pain which made it so uncomfortable to push. I was worried. When her head did finally come out her cord was wrapped around her head and she wasn't crying. But the cries that came soon after were breathtakingly amazing. She was born at 7:31pm on Friday, December 14Th, 2012, weighing 6lb 4oz 19in long with the most amazing cone head ever. My support system was great and very encouraging. My SO and sister helped me to get throw every contraction. My Princess is now here after what seems like forever.

Meet Princess JaZarah